Which is Better for Well-being: a Flat or Hierarchical Organization?

There is a tendency among startup organizations to idealize flat structures.There are some that even avoid any formal structures at all. The uneasiness with hierarchical relations might derive from an egalitarian ideology.How does a flat structure affect people’s well-being?It depends on the expectations and reality.For example, if a new employee...

Individuality and Collectivity

What do entrepreneurs have in common?Entrepreneurs may share a certain ideology:to be innovative, to be self-reliant, and to be free (for example, from traditions, bureaucracy, or politics). These qualities can be summarized by the term ‘individuality’. In a startup, a team of entrepreneurs might be able to work together following...

Well-being and Values

The concept of well-being is closely related to that of ‘values’. Values are something that we consider desirable, favorable, and important.However, we are not always conscious of our values. Most of the time, we don’t even think about it. For instance, we do not consciously value life-sustaining matters such as...

Well-being and Relations

We cannot ‘be well’ while being disconnected from people or places. In fact, we cannot live disconnected from our surroundings.Our sense of wellness shifts depending on our relations to our surroundings. For example, the action of drinking coffee means completely different depending on where we are, whom we are doing...